Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Internal Sound @ Birdhouse

There is lot of internal sound available in the market. If you able to bought some, try to play and compare the different between internal sounds in your collection. 

Technically, most of sound will be mixed between mating sound, baby sound, parent sound and etc.....the best if you have a few sounds that you can try to play and investigate which will make happier and calmness to bird

I've a quite number of internal sounds. Previous internal sound used at my birdhouse show stagnant growth which number stop at 15 nests. 

I make the decision to change the internal sound....with hard-hearted ...and no u-turn I start to see a progress after the new sound been played. Bird more attractive to this new internal sound

Monday, 18 July 2011

Choosing the hard way

Swiftlet say "Yes" when we say "No" you care where i want to lay my butt..:)

Spot the nest if you can....found something interesting during my visit at agriland birdhouse

Details on my BirdHouse

Currently, I'm having 2 birdhouse. My 1st build birdhouse located at agriland where the place call for heaven to swiftlet looking for food. Whereas, the 2nd build is at town area which the unit i bought lately and converted into birdhouse at highest floor. Hoping the highest floor occupied by birdhouse where i can purchase the lower floor for expanding the size

Breakthrough in History

This is the 1st post me as a blogger and the 1st for this blog. Nothing special. It's all about sharing a knowledge through managing my own birdhouse. Could be weird thing....creative or anything maybe will make a benefit for new comer to this industry. I'm not a good writer.....pardon me